Smart refrigerators for sale without staff, vending machines, micromarkets, buy smart vending in Europe

Neuroshop technologies

Technological and payment solutions for vending and retail

Shelves image

Neural Vision


Neural vision image

The camera constantly takes pictures and sends them to the server, where the neural network determines which products are on the shelf, their quantity and location


Shelves image

A rack or refrigerator with cameras on each shelf that identify products, their quantity and location. The device also send notifications if there is not enough product left or the shelf is cluttered



RFID image

The RFID scanner detects presence and content of RFID tags (stickers) on goods, and can determine precisely how many and which goods are in a certain location (it can be a shelf, a compartment or an entire refrigerator)


Shelves image

A rack, refrigerator or freezer with RFID scanners that accurately determine how many and which products are on the shelves. The device can send notifications if the product number is low



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Accurate scales are installed both on shelves and on their individual cells. Scales allow you to accurately determine the number of goods of the same type and transmit this data to the server


Shelves image

The shelves of a rack, refrigerator or freezer are equipped with separate weighing cells that determine the amount of goods on them by total weight and send notifications if the goods number is low

Electronic Price Tags


electronic price tags image

Electronic price tags with an E-ink screen support automation and connection via the Internet. They allow to remotely set the name, description and price of the product


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Our solutions support the ability to remotely set product names and prices, and can integrate price tags with neural vision solutions for complete automation of price setting process

Smart Locks


smart locks image

An electronic lock with Internet connection. It is able ti accept remote commands. Individual locks can be synchronized with each other


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Electronic locks are installed on any device with doors and allow it to be locked or unlocked remotely, or even automatically



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LED strips that can switch the color and intensity of their light to draw attention to the shelf. Neurolights supports Internet connection and integration with our other solutions


Shelves image

Electronic locks are installed on any device with doors and allow it to be locked or unlocked remotely, or even automatically

Technological and payment solutions for vending and retail


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External or integrated NFC Reader from Neuroshop can be installed on any vending machine or terminal. Allows you to accept payments with card and smartphone.


Shelves image

The LED strip can be integrated with neural network-enabled cameras so that it can autonomously respond to passers-by and draw their attention to the selected products on the shelves (depending on age and gender)

Development of individual retail solutions

NFС for vending

Neuroshop black fridge

NFC Reader allows any vending machine to accept credit card payments for goods, making it much easier and faster to use the machine

Smart fridge

Neuroshop blue fridge

Smart fridge determines what products customers take from its shelves and automatically charges their credit cards. The device also keeps a record of sales and monitors goods expiry date


payment card


The client can pay with acredit card, employees can take orders with POS terminal

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Setup is simple, there is no need for any extra accounts

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The solution uses encrypted data exchange and meets internation data protection standarts