(English) The main differences between smart refrigerators and conventional vending machines

Neuroshop Micromarkets

The main differences between Smart fridges and vending machines

Smart fridges from Neuroshop is a food tech service that allows you to have a tasty and quick snack right at work, using the app to access high-tech micromarkets with a wide selection of prepared food and drinks.

Smart fridges from Neuroshop differ from conventional vending machines:

  1. The purchase goes via a special Neuroshop app, in which you can immediately pay for the product.
  1. A large selection of fresh, tasty, ready-made meals, where everyone can find something for themselves, and not only eat fast food when they forgot food at home.
  1. The principle of operation of the micromarket is open access to the products and payment after the choosing. This can help build trust with customers and adds confidence to their decision.

Benefits of smart refrigerators from Neuroshop:


The main advantage of our service is that the purchase process takes place autonomously, without the need for additional staff. The client independently authorizes the application, selects the product, closes the fridge, after that it can determine which product was taken, and automatically makes a payment. If, nevertheless, an error occurs during payment, technical support 24/7 is ready to help fix it.

In addition, with the help of computer vision technology, the system tracks the most popular positions to make the most informed forecasts in the future, increase the number of sales and optimize the sales proposal.


An important advantage of Smart fridges is that they can be installed anywhere, only a stable Internet connection is important. It can be an office, a shopping center, a residential building, or government agencies. For example, in the office, a smart fridge becomes the most useful device that doesn’t take up much space and significantly saves employees’ time for snacking.

Now we are actively working on increasing the number of smart fridges and integrating them into the system of city services, installing them in Kiev business and shopping centers.

Smart refrigerators = smart investments

The amount of investments in the global food tech sector from 2019 to 2020 increased by almost 60%, and the total share of investments increased from 3.9% to 5.5% of the total amount of venture capital investments in the world.

Such a rapid growth in popularity and demand for smart micromarkets can be explained by the following reasons:

  • social distancing and the need for more reliable ways of selling in retail;
  • robotization and automation in all fields of human life;
  • saving on resources ( saving on renting an entire retail space and reducing the number of personnel).

The last point requires clarification: one employee in a fast food restaurant costs 20,000 hryvnia per month, which is almost 200,000 hryvnia per year. In turn, the payback period for a smart fridge from Neuroshop is 4 months on average. Therefore, the system eliminates the risk of a negative human factor and helps to avoid additional waste of money.